特朗普总统坚持称冠状病毒为“中国病毒”。他这样做的理由很简单,但从技术上讲是准确的:中国官员故意散布该病毒可能起源于美国的谎言,以逃避自己早年失败的责任。 “这根本不是种族主义者,根本不是种族主义者。它来自中国,这就是原因。我要准确,”特朗普周三说。
Don’t blame ‘China’ for the coronavirus — blame the Chinese Communist Party。
President Trump insists on calling coronavirus “the Chinese virus.” His rationale for doing so is simplistic but technically accurate: Chinese officials are intentionally spreading the lie the virus may have originated in the United States to deflect blame from their own early failings. “It’s not racist at all, not at all. It comes from China, that’s why. I want to be accurate,” Trump said Wednesday.
As many have noted, accuracy is not the only consideration the president should take into account. Trump is ignoring the history of racism against Asians and Asian Americans in this country and neglecting vital context: a real rise in racist incidents against ethnically Asian people in this country since the crisis began.