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2019香港前线行动宣言 – 香港城市游击战即将打响 – 独狼狙击手即将在香港出现














































We are a group of ordinary Hongkongers.

First of all, we would like to announce that the ‘cocktail events’ we have seen everywhere in Hong Kong today were a celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of communist China.

At the beginning, we did not expect that the anti-extradition bill protests would turn into such a large-scale and fierce movement, nor did we predict that we would go closer and closer to the frontline, launching a full-on fight against this tyranny despite all the risks we face.

Hong Kong has fallen for 22 years since 1997. Although we have already on countless occasions witnessed how the Hong Kong Communist Government pushed its way through with evil laws and misdeeds contrary to Hongkongers’ interests, the way in which they have been blatantly encroaching on our basic human rights and freedoms in the past three months or so is unprecedented.

Tyrannizing Our People by a Police State

Millions of our people have consistently expressed their views in a peaceful way. However, the Government responded to us with only bullets, tear gas, batons and fists, alongside delaying tactics such as useless statements and press conferences filled with lies and distorted facts. Our people have been arbitrarily arrested, tortured, humiliated, threatened, sexually assaulted, indiscriminately attacked and possibly even raped and murdered by the Hong Kong police. Moreover, our people have been brutally attacked and seriously injured by pro-government thugs shielded by the Hong Kong police. The police officers in Hong Kong have been using excessive force far beyond the legal boundaries and knowingly breaking the laws in an extremely arrogant and malicious manner. Their crimes are too numerous to count: shooting protesters at close range, torturing arrested persons, subjecting protesters to sexual violence, attacking first-aiders and journalists, using tear gas and other weapons inappropriately, and last but not least – turning a blind eye to the terrorist attack by gangsters in Yuen Long on 21 July 2019 and conducting a terrorist attack on civilians themselves in Prince Edward metro station on 31 August 2019, just to list a few shocking examples. Today, they even shot a student with a live round in Tsuen Wan. The student has sustained serious injuries and is now in critical condition.

The Demise of the Rule of Law; Rule by Police and Thugs

The legal system which Hongkongers have long prided themselves on has turned into a tool of this tyranny to be used against anti-government protesters and even ordinary citizens. At the same time, it is extremely difficult for our people to seek remedies for the violations of law perpetrated by the police and the gangsters with whom they collude. We are well aware that they will face no consequences for their crimes at all. In face of the violence from the regime, we have once been acting with extreme restraint. However, the government did not hesitate to throw off all disguise, revealing its totalitarian nature without reservation. By now, we can only acknowledge this cruel reality and express our discontent with concrete action.

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Chinese Communist and Hong Kong Communist Governments are the Culprits

We have to emphasize that, all along the culprits of all this have always been the Chinese Communist Party and its puppet Hong Kong Government.

It was them who deployed the police and gangsters to crack down on protesters with excessive and unnecessary violence in blatant disregard for the law and human rights, all for the purpose of defending an extradition bill.

It was them who kept spreading lies and rumours shamelessly to cover up their and their lackeys’ mistakes and crimes.

It was them who created white terror in all sectors in our society, imposed de facto martial law and curfew in the city to restrict our freedoms by outrageous police brutality, all for the purpose of retaliating against and wiping out dissidents.

From the outset, all the chaos we have seen in Hong Kong has always been caused by the Hong Kong Communist Government which serves only as a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party: economic invasion from China, disqualifying election candidates and elected legislators, passing all sorts of evil laws by manipulating this malfunctioning legislature, interfering with our judicial independence, eroding our local language, community, history and culture…Last but not least, depriving us of genuine universal suffrage and denying us the opportunity to elect a legislature and Chief Executive who serve our interests.

It was them who openly reneged on the promises of “One Country Two Systems”, “Hong Kong People Ruling Hong Kong” and “High Degree of Autonomy”.

It was them who decided to make themselves enemies of the people, leaving us with no choice but to stand up against them.

No Compromise for Our 5 Demands

In the last few months, we have already demonstrated our unity and determination by various actions. It is the government, not the protesters, who will determine the direction of this movement.

Our demands are very clear:
1. Full withdrawal of the extradition bill;
2. Dissolve and reorganize the Hong Kong Police Force, investigate into all acts of abuse of power and violations of the law by police officers;
3. Retract the classification of protesters as “rioters”;
4. Amnesty for all protesters, and a promise to not press for further prosecutions; and
5. Dissolve the Legislative Council by administrative order, implement dual universal suffrage immediately, realise “Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong”.

Five demands and not one less, especially the last one. Without constitutional democracy, all promises are empty words and there will be no guarantee of peace for our future generations. We will continue to fight unless and until all our five demands are met.

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A large number of Hongkongers have already sacrificed themselves, got injured and suffered immensely because of this movement. We shall never forget the contribution of and the blood shed by each one of them, and the only thing we should do is to fight till the end to not let them down.

Our pledge to fight

After going through this summer of bloodshed, Hongkongers have totally transformed and are no longer the same. We all know that we are actually up against the most evil and powerful tyranny in human history. We have been fighting for justice relentlessly in front of the whole world and nothing will hold us back. Many of us have even got the will and determination to fight to our deaths. The seeds of revolution have now been planted in our young people’s hearts and they will never surrender to any tyranny in return for mere survival. Even if we fall, thousands and thousands of protesters will still continue with the fight. We know that freedom and democracy never come free, and we will not just sit and wait for this regime to trample on us. We will not accept any false concession, and we will continue to closely monitor every single act of the government even after the victory of this movement. We have the power to stand up against any injustice at any time.

It is a universal truth that sovereignty resides in the people. People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

There is no deadline to our fight. Our power will not fade. Our actions will continue to escalate.

We hereby urge the Chinese Communist and Hong Kong Communist Governments to repent without delay to avoid digging their own graves.

“Restore Hong Kong; Revolution of Our Times” is much more than a slogan; it is our ambition and mission which we will achieve by action.

Our operations on 1st October are our first warning.

To the Chief Executive and government officials who believe that they could intimidate us by violent crackdown and judicial persecution, the police officers who believe that they are above the law, and the pro-CCP people who go around attacking civilians and oppress our fighters by different means: Do not assume that we will just sit and wait to be slaughtered, or fantasize that we will succumb to your despicable tactics. As you have chosen to adopt the most brutal and shameless way to defend this tyranny, you have officially declared war on our people. You will reap what you sow. Our real fight has only just begun and it will persist.

There shall be no peace without freedom. Until we attain true freedom there is no turning back for us. Ultimate victory will belong to each and every Hongkonger who fights for freedom, dignity and justice!

A group of Hongkongers who love Hong Kong and freedom
1 October 2019

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Posted in 香港


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