Delta 航空公司把支持川普的乘客赶下飞机 中国记忆 9 1 月, 2021 美国新闻 0 Comments The US flag flies over Chinese shipping containers that were unloaded at the Port of Long Beach, in Los Angeles County, on September 29, 2018. – President Donald Trump insisted that there had been “absolutely no impact” on the US economy from the escalating trade dispute between his administration and China. “We have to make it fair. So we’re at $250 billion now, 25 percent interest,” he said in reference to a package of tariffs imposed on Chinese imports. (Photo by Mark RALSTON / AFP) (Photo credit should read MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images) Delta airline landed a plane to remove these people because they was having a private conversation about supporting President Trump. — The Dirty Truth (Josh) (@AKA_RealDirty) January 9, 2021 本文内容除特别注明外均取自各新闻媒体(本站底部列表),并不代表本站立场! 评论不允许人身攻击。 Posted in 美国新闻Tagged Delta, 川普, 航空公司 文章导航 Previous Previous post: 马云失踪Next Next post: 川普才14歲的小兒子也被株連 发表回复您的邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用 * 标注评论 * 显示名称 邮箱 网站 Type in the text displayed above Related Posts 川普一句话 习近平成小丑 通话川普?习近平尴尬至极!中南海幕后运作失败 川普“威胁”奏效?南非马上与习近平“划清界限” 普京向川普递投名状,再卖“傻儿子”!抢先一步对中共下手 川普:将额外加征中国10%关税,未达60%习近平窃喜 川普宣布向邻居加拿大和墨西哥加征25%关税 习震怒悔断肠!自认怂货?北京疯传王毅损招 川普将对习近平进行“行刑式枪决” 大批认同中共价值的华人危险了,川普将驱逐不认同美国价值的移民 美国民主党国会议员伊尔汗·奥马尔恐被驱逐出美国 俄罗斯 “认清残酷现实”后,同意谈判停火 超级碗冠军公开挺川普 直言需防民主党作弊